Other Modalities

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Qigong is the most profound and beneficial exercise a person can do. It is also quite simple to learn and practice. Qigong is the cultivation, harvesting, storage, and emission of qi. Within the medical context qi is the healing power of the body. When the healing power is strong and fills the body, diseases will find no place to stay. Qigong has been practiced in China for over 2,000 years as exercise, meditation, and support for the healing of all diseases.

Here are some testimonials:

Moxa Without the Smoke

Moxibustion is the burning of herbs close to or on the surface of the skin. The most common herb used is Artemesia vulgaris, or mugwort. While stimulating the vital system of the body moxibustion adds the warming effect. It is very beneficial for cold conditions. It is commonly used to turn breech babies and to consolidate acupuncture treatment effects. In many cases patients are taught to practice moxibustion safely at home so they can continue the treatment themselves.
Moxibustion is a powerful treatment modality by itself or paired with acupuncture. Since it involves the burning of mugwort so smoke and odor are unavoidable. Smoke is toxic and even the so-called 'smokeless' moxa sticks may irritate sensitive systems. The scent of good quality moxa is very pleasant but even so, some people don't like it. It is difficult to ventilate a room adequately for the next patient after using moxa. Now moxibustion without the smoke and odor is available at my office with the Premio 10 Moxa tool by Sedatelec, the French company that created the ASP needle. Not only does it simulate the optimal performance of moxibustion but it also allows me to perform fire needle treatments in a completely safe and controlled way. Call for more information.

Gua Sha

Gua Sha is scraping on the skin. It is usually done with a tool made out of animal horns, bones, stones or porcelain. It is very effective for opening the pores of the skin to ward off colds and flu. It also relieves pain and stiffness in muscles. The sensation can be intense but most patients find it invigorating and releasing. There will be bruising that lasts for a few days.


Many Americans were introduced to cupping when Gwyneth Paltrow wore her cupping marks to attend a New York film premiere. Cupping is another time-tested traditional Chinese therapy. It is done by applying suction cups to the skin to invigorate vital energy and blood in the body and remove waste products trapped in the outer layer. Amount of suction is controlled by the acupuncturist. Although it is commonly used for muscle pain and stiffness and to avert colds and flu, it can address many other pathologies. There is no pain but there will be bruising that lasts for a few days.

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